Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Influencing Others

Influence: the power or intangible action of one thing or person which brings about an effect on another (

     Matthew walked home from school in his small town and pondered a word he heard that day. As a third grader he became bombarded with words he did not know as they were not used at home. He decided to ask his mom if she knew what the word meant.
     "Mom, what does the word 'influence' mean?"
     "Matthew, where did you hear that word?" Mom replied.
     "At school. A book said that President Lincoln influenced the Civil War but the teacher didn't explain what influence means."
     "Well, I believe that there is a powerful energy force which people sometimes name as God. Since I believe in God I attend a church service and take you to Sunday School. You trust me as your mom. You know that I will always make sure you have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This is trust. When I take you to Sunday School you trust that you are being told truth. So, as result of this trust, I am influencing you to believe in God as I do. My participation in activities of the church also influence your decision in the participation of activities at the church. I influence your behaviors," explained Mom.
     "Ok, so does that mean teachers influence how much I learn?" asked Matthew.
     "Teachers MAY influence you. But here is the thing, my intelligent son. Teachers present to you specific content to develop your skills, but you must make the decision to learn. A teacher can attempt to influence, but you must also want to learn," Mom said.
     "So, because she shared a book with us about President Lincoln and I'm curious to know more, she has influenced me to research more and learn about the presidents," responded Matthew.

     Can you identify the people, places, or things in your life which has greatly influenced you? Is there someone who influences how you see yourself which directly impacts the life choices you make, the kind of person you become? And when this person has a long term, positive impact upon you, how do you respond to that person? This last question is the one I have been reflecting upon.

     The word influence has a Latin derivative of the meaning "to flow in."  The beliefs of someone has flowed into me. Someone believed in my gift to communicate through written language. That someone influenced my decision to write, and then to write some more. The practice of writing influenced the quality of my writing as I opened myself to learn more during the experience. I received a gift that has no ending point. I trusted someone who then flowed into my way of thinking in a beautiful way. My problem is this: saying the two words thank you just doesn't seem to be enough.   


  1. Gina-Dianne HardingAugust 8, 2019 at 7:38 PM

    Your words have a great influence on the reader, Kelly
