Thursday, August 15, 2013


petals on the grass ---
you reach for the sun's light rays
only to fall back

Children are like petals on the grass. They slowly peek out at the world. They find the energy of the Universe and are fascinated. Like the stem and leaves, they grow and develop. A flower emerges. Then, the sunlight disappears. Sometimes the wind blows. They fall back for awhile and regain some strength. The stronger ones find within themselves the desire to again reach for the sun's light rays.


the wind
forced to blow
on concrete, steel, and glass
Jack Cain

Wind has a lot of freedom where I live. The northern pressure system from the Arctic and the air system just above the equator both enjoy traveling across northern Nevada mountains and valleys. Many times they love to converge along my latitudinal region. The force funnels through an opening towards the open Bonneville Salt Flats. My community rests on the edge of the mountain base with mountains running north/south on the west side of town and then east/west on the north side of town. I don't particularly care for the strong winds of winter but neither do I care for the stagnant air of summer. Of course, I like the perfect smooth air movement, the ideal of life's gentle changes.

Tall buildings here are minimal. The wind shaking the house's foundation and lifting off roof tiles is common.   When the wind has a destination, only the mountains have the power to hold their place. Yet, you can see the impact of the wind against the rock after a span of time. So, what does that tell us about the natural world? Even strong composites of life are forced to change from the invisible energy force.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Rules

brave little chipmunk
feasting on the human's crumbs
breaking all the rules

We all break the rules sometimes. I believe breaking the rules set by others is a way we learn how to grow. We also break our own rules when needed. Have you ever watched children create a game and after a few minutes change their own rules so that the game works in their favor? We do this as adults also, we are just more subtle about it. We change the rules in relationships, in government, and how we manage our daily life. This is a necessary survival skill, I think. If we are not flexible, becomes even more challenging.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Yack Yack Yack

yack yack yack yack yack
broken quiet in forest
solitude in trees

Have you ever noticed how sound can influence your mood? When I awake before the rest of the household I enjoy the quiet, though not as much as sitting in a deciduous forest without people talking. The house creates its own sounds of modern life. Then, when even one person is up and making noise the day has changed.  After experiencing a ruptured eardrum a few ago, I became much more attuned to the noises about me. Since that unexpected eardrum rupture, recordings designed for meditation became a necessary tool for relaxation. I continue to use them to focus my energy when writing.

Monday, August 12, 2013


hiding under the table
gathering food unafraid
looking straight at me

The chipmunk entertained me for an hour. I sat and watched it complete its daily chores of gathering food. It then raced back to its burrow and a few minutes later searched for more. Clearly it was cautious but not completely afraid of my presence. It tended to stay further away, however, when my family members returned to camp. I thought how similar this animal's behavior is to the behavior of some people I have met.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Irish Blessing 4

May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
for every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.

The Stick

a stick goes over the falls at sunset
Cor Van Den Heuvel

This poem is not formatted like the other haiku I've posted. Different ideas of the modern haiku are being discussed in poetry societies, I've learned.

I like this one because I immediately recall throwing twigs, leaves, and other natural objects into the streams. When I w was a child I was always drawn to the water when camping. Even now I love to stop at the pull-outs along the Idaho rivier highways and simply watch the water rushing along its path.

Saturday, August 10, 2013


subtle movement of
air across the water plane ---
life lives underneath

While sitting at the lake's edge I watched my family enjoy the cool mountain lake.  My position gave me a different perspective than what my children observed from their non-motorized boat. They jumped into the water sending ripples. Fifty yards from their location I notice differences in the water's movement. I find this experience as an example of how we can spotlight specific areas of life and miss what is happening somewhere else so close to us.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Big Fly

buzzing overhead
Why are you hovering me?
annoying big fly

It is summer. Flies are simply annoying. We wonder why they are part of the natural world. I recognize, though, that there must be some purpose. Events in life can be like a fly. And, unfortunately, sometimes I can recall a person who at particular moments I could label as a fly in my world. So, the real question is, how does one respond to the annoying big fly?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Charred Fields

across the fields of stubble
flame stalks flame
David Cobb

I have seen the farmer's deliberate field burning. I can also recall May 18, 1980, when the beautiful blue sky of a Sunday morning turned suddenly a new shade of gray. Ash from Mt. Saint Helens fell from the sky and I was amazed at the power of nature, probably really felt it for the first time, as the mountain was 400 miles from my existing location.

I don't claim to fall into the "wise old woman" category but my observations of life so far --- this haiku says a lot. After a field has given all it is capable, a burning season is needed so that things can grow again. In life, the flames usually don't feel too great. Sometimes, just when we think the flames are finished, more arises. I remind myself, though, of the before and after images of the contemporary volcano. Once charred, it now now flourishes with growth.

Monday, August 5, 2013


dragonfly I see
now feasting on mosquitoes
tiny blue buzzing

Dragonflies can be annoying and I still like them. Something about them makes me wonder, if insects have an emotional element, would they say they like their role in nature? Dragonflies bring a balance to nature, I think.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


a white lotus ---
the monk decides to cut it!
Buson Yosa

As I explore the work of early haiku writers, I learn more about the Asian belief systems. For example, the lotus is a Buddhist symbol. The flower exemplifies purity and is found in muddy water. A key aspect of the Buddhist belief is the Enlightenment and the white lotus symbolizes this process.

Ancient Pond

ancient pond ---
frog jumps in
sound of the water
Basho Matsuo

Frequently I have come upon this haiku as a known example by Basho. Something about the essential life source of water connects to readers. We have hopefully all heard the sound water makes when something like a frog jumps in. I think a key word here is actually "ancient." We so easily forget in our more developed, modern environment that water and other other essential elements existed before human life.

Friday, August 2, 2013


spirit carries you
through the thinly grown grasses
orange wings flutter

Again, I love the symbolism of the butterfly. The delicate and intricate details the Creator gave this creature is alluring to me. I think the words penned speak for themselves for this one.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Doe

unaware of sleep ---
evening crackling twigs
doe explores the meadow

My family went camping and I have difficulty sleeping on the ground due to health issues. Our first night I discovered that my air mattress could not hold the air. So, sitting up I contemplated my options. I hear something outside the tent.  Then there is clarity of hooves. As the sound travels around the tent, I gaze out the open window and see a doe moving through the space we currently occupied.