Monday, February 25, 2019


So, I haven't written for awhile. I haven't put any words onto the page. And why is that? I have been out of my normal life routine for two weeks! Even as I write this I am not at home. I had an unexpected family medical situation. And so I jumped on a plane to assist. Now, this blog post is not going to go into detail about the medical situation. That would not be respectful to the family member. However, let's just say this event has kind of put me at odds with the pen on the paper. This writing is a brain dump, unplanned, little editing, just putting words on the page as I sit in a Starbucks on the day before I travel home. So, my writing may not sound the same. But I suppose that is okay also.

I always have enjoyed vacations. Vacations are PLANNED out of routine get aways. This was not planned and while there are some good things that have come out of this trip to the home town of my youth, I do miss my Nevada home. I miss home routines. I like trying things new. I love the fact that I saw family I have not seen for, well, in some cases many years. I love having special bonding time with siblings. I love that the mystery aunt who always sends books at Christmas is now known a bit more. And my host during this trip is a beautiful person but I still miss my own shower, the looks my teenagers give me when I ask for chores to be done, hanging out in the other room while my husband goes through his routine in the evening after work. I miss the family cat either complaining or cuddling next to me. Two weeks and I'm ready to fly home.

All the family medical is not resolved. This is the not so good part of the trip. But, I need to go home to my routine and regroup, so to speak. So, my writing community, this is what you get today. Raw words, still with some protection of the emotions I am feeling, but still me.

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